KalyanNagar, Bangalore-560043

Work Hours
Monday to Saturday: 9AM - 7PM
Sunday: Holiday

Welcome to the XcellentLearning Platform

Empowering learners to discover the limits of their potential.

Increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you.
Upgrade your skills today!

Holistic Development

Our learning interventions are far beyond the “one-shot” workshop approach. We give our learners time to digest the learning after they are back in the ‘real world’ and then work on a follow up plan to find out how they have incorporated the learning, solicit feedback and ask them to identify topics that need more emphasis and work on a plan to provide additional learning.

Self Assessments

Experiential Learning

Individual Focus

Easy Application of Learning

Multiple Learning Touchpoints

Key Offerings

Click on image to know more details

Technical Offerings

Why choose XcellentLearning?

We are seasoned professionals with expertise to help learners achieve their full potential by improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our collective experience in the areas of professional development, positions us in a unique position to deliver results propelling learners towards heights to excel.

Our charter is to transform lives and elevate thought process with unique and impactful learning interventions, rekindling the fire to make a difference in the world.

Our learning interventions are based on experiential learning or active learning methods. Throughout the learning process, learners are actively engaged intellectually, emotionally, socially, and/or physically, resulting in creating, acquiring and transferring knowledge and modifying behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights.

Professional Development with flexible learning solutions

Beyond a 'one shot' workshop approach

Holistic development with multiple touchpoints for learning

Have you hit the reset button to discover the limits of your potential?

Hear from our Learners!

Helena Gokul Principal, Triumph World School

Discover your Profession – a program conducted for the Triumph World School Teachers.
"Interactive & thought-provoking session. The Art of Storytelling kindled the creative side of the teachers. The program was engaging and meticulously planned. The experiences & skills of the XcellentLearning team rejuvenated us with reflective practices.”

Chandrika Naidu Head of Operations & Marketing, Triumph World School

Discover your Profession – a program conducted for the Triumph World School Teachers.
The workshop greatly expanded the understanding of mindfulness & enriched their understanding of how it can be used & taught to develop students' self-awareness, Self-management skills. The experiential methodology approach helped teachers to access their thoughts, emotions & behaviors. Excellent workshop that brought together theory & practice!

Amarnath Tata CEO, Global Gateways

Entrepreneur Success Blueprint
This program is must for every Entrepreneur who wants to grow and improve their business, you will understand lot of insights to run business efficiently. The XcellentLearning Team are quite supportive and committed.

Kamini Bhasin CEO KAMILIFE

Entrepreneur Success Blueprint
Thank you for reinforcing everything and adding more to my knowledge. I am glad I joined this course and met you all.

Ms. Shefali Tyagi Principal, NPS HSR Branch.

Time & Stress Management - a program conducted for NPS, HSR branch Grade 9 students
An exhilarating experience for students of Grade 9 NPS. Acknowledge the time and efforts that have gone into the preparation of a pre survey prior to the program, making it immensely interactive.

Google reviews

Roopa Hariani
February 9, 2022
Roopa Hariani
February 9, 2022
Dr. Kiran Babu T.S
January 27, 2022

Very good talk for Cyber Security Professional and beginner.

Dr. Kiran Babu T.S
January 27, 2022

Very good talk for Cyber Security Professional and beginner.